The Flir infrared camera is connected to a large screen television set and displays the heat signatures of the persons back in the photograph above. It is used to detect areas of either inflammation (hot) or reduced circulation (cold).
Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) hand electrodes.
Computer screen interface displays various conditions of the body.
This light device is manufactured in Germany by Medical Electronics and is used to generate a wide variety of colors that can be pulsed or modulated at various frequencies. It will also produce a pulsed electromagnetic field by using an optional Tesla coil applicator. The light enters the body through the hands and through the […]
This picture shows the Limestone polygraph electrodes that are attached to the Snake plant. When we watered this plant there was a spike in the waveform indicating a change in electrical potential between the two electrodes. This is something that one might expect with increased access to water. However, when we watered a plant in […]
This photograph shows an example of how we attempted to change in the polygraph (lie detector) readings by bringing one plant closer to the plant hooked up the the lie detector.
This picture taken with a microscope shows blood that is free flowing and healthy. It was exposed to PEMF.
This blood looks unhealthy because the red blood cells are sticking together like stacks of coins. This configuration is called “rouleau” and interferes with the exchange of gases and nutrients between the blood and cells of the body. It can also contribute to stroke or reduced blood flow to the heart due to its higher […]
This is a dark field microscope that is equipped with a high definition Sony Camera and connected to a large screen TV for easy viewing.
Limestone Technologies created custom software to enable the plants to play music. This is a picture of the user interface. Limestone Technologies is located in Kingston, ON, Canada and can be reached at their website: .